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University of Florence
University of Amsterdam
Autonomous University of Barcelona
University of Warwick
Policy papers
Final Conference
Data of the month
1. Employment and risk of poverty in the EU - Chart 1
2. Employment and in-work risk of poverty in the EU - Chart 2
3. Employment and NEET in the EU - Chart 3
4. Youth unemployment in the EU - Chart 4
5. Female unemployment in the EU - Chart 5
6. Unemployment among older people in the EU - Chart 6
7. Unemployment among foreign nationals in the EU - Chart 7
8. Expenditure on LMPs and unemployment in the EU - Chart 8
9. Gini coefficient before and after social transfer - Chart 9
10. Effect of social transfer on Gini coefficient in EU - Chart 10
11. Youth low-education employment in AIRMULP countries - Chart 11
12. Female exclusion and employment rates - Chart 12
13. Low skilled exclusion and employment rates - Chart 13
14. Long-term unemployment share in the EU - Chart 14
15. Involuntary part-time employment by gender in AIRMULP countries - Chart 15
16. Low wage earners in AIRMULP countries - Chart 16
17. Long-term unemployment in AIRMULP countries - Chart 17
18. Temporary contracts and part-time in AIRMULP countries - Chart 18
19. Participation in training and education in AIRMULP countries - Chart 19
20. In-work at risk of poverty rate by educational attainment in AIRMULP countries - Chart 20
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