20. In-work at risk of poverty rate by educational attainment in AIRMULP countries - Chart 20

Employment does not always protect from poverty. The rate of those in work and at risk of poverty - those with an income below 60% of the national median - has been on rice since 2005 and, in the aftermath of the crisis, wage polarisation and an increase of part-time work have led to higher rates of in work poverty in Europe.
In work poverty depends on a number of factors, especially linked to working status and household income. Scholars often see a combination of low pay, high needs and weak ties to the labour market as root causes.
This graph shows a relations also with educational attainment levels. In all AIRMULP countries the risk of poverty is higher among workers with low levels of education. Ths situation is even more distinct in Poland, Spain and Italy, where the percentage of workers at risk of poverty with less than primary, primary and lower secondary educaton ranges from 18% to 28%. In comparison, only 2,3% of workers with tertiary education are in the same situation in Poland, 6,4% in Spain and 4,9% in Italy.
Although these countries have also experienced a rise in the rate among those with the highest educational degrees with the crisis, education makes a significant difference in the risk of social exclusion.
ultimo aggiornamento: 02-Mar-2017