University of Amsterdam
M.J. (Maarten) Keune
Director of the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies and Professor of Social Security and Labour Relations. Research interests: Global Capital Strategies and Collective Bargaining Responses; trade union strategies to deal with capital mobility; alternatives to flexicurity: new concepts and approaches; social pacts in Europe after the Euro and enlargement; new trends in collective bargaining in Europe; dispensation of collective agreements in industry level agreements for companies in financial difficulties; wage flexibilities and the minimum wage.
Noëlle Payton
Noëlle Payton graduated cum laude from University College Utrecht majoring in political science, international law, and human geography. Her interest in labour conditions and labour relations was sparked in Bulgaria while working for an NGO, after which she completed her Master's degree in Comparative Organisation and Labour Studies at the University of Amsterdam. She is especially interested in the role of collective bargaining in industrial relations systems, European integration, and the position of migrant workers.
ultimo aggiornamento: 19-Mar-2015