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University of Warwick

Guglielmo Meardi


Professor of Industrial Relations and Director of the Industrial Relations Research Unit of Warwick Business School. Research Interests: European integration and industrial relations, including both multinational companies going East, and employees going West. Currently comparing industrial relations and internationalisation in the six largest EU countries.




Manuela Galetto


Manuela Galetto is assistant professor of industrial relations at the Warwick Business School. She holds a PhD in Labour Studies from the University of Milan. Her research interests are in comparative employment relations systems and trends of the changing mechanisms of workforce governance. 


Anna Mori

Research fellow at the Industrial Relation Research Unit of Warwick Business School. She holds a PhD in Labour Studies from the University of Milan. Her research interests include employment relations systems with a specific focus on public sector trends in comparative perspective.
ultimo aggiornamento: 02-Set-2015
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