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15 December 2014: Start of the project. Preliminary data collection and on-desk analysis.

15 January 2015: Kick-off meeting with the project partners at the University of Florence (Italy).

15 January 2015 - 15 March 2015: Set-up of research tools for the case studies.

15 March 2015 - 11 June 2015: Analysis of industrial relations practices at the European, national and territorial level (WP A, B, C): secondary data and document analysis.

Mid June 2015: Two-days coordination meeting with the project partners in Florence (Italy).

16 June 2015: Release of the first newsletter.

16 June 2015 - to 15 January 2016: Analysis of industrial relations practices at the European, national and territorial level (WP A, B, C): analysis of official documents, reports, agreements; interviews with key informants; focus groups; analysis of multi-level governance (WP D); writing of first drafts of the reports on WP A, B, C and of a preliminary report of WP D.

Mid January 2016: One day internal workshop with the members of the Advisory and one day public mid-term seminar to present the results of the first year of activities. Both the events to be held in Amsterdam (Netherlands).

18 January 2016: Release of four policy papers. Release of the second newsletter.

18 January 2016 - to 15 June 2016: Additional empirical analysis (WP A, B, C, D).

Mid June 2016: Two-days coordination meeting with the project partners in Florence (Italy).

21 June 2016: Release of the third newsletter.

21 June 2016 - to 2nd November 2016: Writing of the final version of the four work package re-ports; writing of the draft of the report that integrates the results of the four WPs.

ultimo aggiornamento: 12-Mar-2015
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