14. Long-term unemployment share in the EU - Chart 14
This graph displays long-term unemployment share in European countries. Data refer to the share of the employed persons since 12 months or more in the total number of unemployed.
After seven years from the beginning of the economic crisis in Europe, we observe that the weight of long-term unemployment varies significantly across the member states.
Looking at AIRMULP countries, we see that in 2014 the long-term unemployment share ranges from less than 20% in Sweden to more than 60% in Italy. Data show that also in Spain the incidence of long-term unemployment is higher than the EU-28 average, while in France and Poland it is slightly below it.
Especially in Italy long-term unemployment is an acute problem. The longer people are out of work, the more problematic it is to return. Empirical research suggests that females, the elderly, the less educated and those who live in urban areas are the most vulnerable groups to long-term unemployment. These people have low chances of finding employment than the short-term unemplyed.
Addressing long-term unemployment represents a fundamental challenge to European policymakers in designing targeted labour market policies that help reintegrate the long-term unemployed persons into labour market.
ultimo aggiornamento: 02-Mar-2017